Samsung Knox Vault: What You Need To Know

June 20, 2021 Off By Naveen Victor

Samsung’s Knox security system does more than just add a layer of protection for your personal data. It’s far more sophisticated than that because it comprises hardware and software, working together to provide layer upon layer of protection. Your personal details such as passwords, fingerprints and facial data are kept on a separate storage platform.

It’s called the Knox Vault storage and this system is able to detect when it’s being tampered with and automatically triggers the alarm. Samsung says that the Knox vault is resistant to multiple forms of intrusions, which include the use of lasers, voltage manipulation, heat and several others.

The all encompassing Knox Vault works off its own hardware and operates independently of the main Android operating system. The Samsung Knox Vault processor keeps your important information secure, including sensitive information linked to services like Samsung Pay.

This way, sensitive cryptographic and biometric data is never exposed to the Android OS or public apps. Hypothetically, if a sophisticated form of malware wants to acquire your sensitive data, it needs to do a lot more than just breach Android’s security and execute an exploit. It also needs to simultaneously compromise TrustZone too.

We’ve covered Samsung’s Knox system extensively in a previous article. Click here for the full details.