Samsung’s Refrigerators Are More Than Just Kitchen Appliances

August 30, 2021 Off By Rowena Cletus

Samsung has never been content with creating beige, dreary ice boxes. It considers the refrigerator an appliance that fits in with the rest of the décor. The BESPOKE refrigerator proves this notion to be true. Launched early this year, it’s a modern, stylish interpretation of a system that has been left relatively unchanged since the early 1900s.

The BESPOKE fridge is available in either a single or two-door configuration. You also have the option of choosing between one-door and bottom freezer configurations, both of which have their advantages. There are several different ways in which one could customize it with the extensive colour and finishing options that are available.

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Ideally, you’d want to match the front fascia with the rest of the kitchen space. The BESPOKE’s glossy glass panel comes in three different colours: Glam White, Glam Pink and Glam Navy Blue. It’s possible to have each door of a two-door Bespoke in a different colour – you decide what the fridge looks like.

However, tech enthusiasts who have smart appliances throughout their homes would prefer the Samsung Family Hub refrigerator. It’s a twin-door fridge with a substantially large touchscreen display that doubles as a preview window allowing you to peer into the fridge without actually opening it. Though some might consider this a gimmick, it actually has real world benefits.

Every time the refrigerator door is opened, you allow the cool air to escape and in turn cause a rise in temperature. Once you close the door, the fridge’s cooling unit has to bring it back down to the optimum level. This happens every time the fridge door is opened. In the long run, not only does your electricity bill go up, but the appliance is forced to work harder than necessary.

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With the Family Hub fridge, you’ll only open the doors if there is an intent to take something out of it. Through the use of the SmartThings app, you can view what’s inside the fridge on your smartphone. The appliance is able to seamlessly relay what its inner-view camera sees, negating the need for you to walk up to it before realizing that you didn’t need anything.

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The SmartThings app also has a food management feature that tags the expiration dates of the food that is in the fridge. This makes it convenient to create a shopping list, food memos or reminders more efficiently. Family Hub can also identify the contents left inside and help you set up the right recipe for the night’s dinner.

The Family Hub’s display can also be used to show photos and video clips, post stickers, draw pictures, type or hand-write notes, share schedules and website links or add a music player. It turns into a streaming device if you choose to use the Family Hub’s TV mirroring function. This type of fridge was first in 2016, but has only recently caught the attention of tech people.

In conjunction with Malaysia’s Merdeka month, Samsung is offering regards and gifts with the purchase of its various devices and appliances. Visit for more information. The campaign will end on 30th September.

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