Smart Door Lock Could Be Your Next Important Purchase

January 31, 2021 Off By Naveen Victor

Home security is of paramount importance to most homeowners. But this doesn’t mean that you should allow said systems should cause you undue inconvenience. Thankfully smart locks are catching on all over the world. They help keep our homes secure and alert us to potential security concerns.

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That is true of the Yale Linus smart lock. Compatible with Amazon’s Alexa, Google Home and Apple’s HomeKit, the gadget doesn’t replace your actual door lock or handle. Instead it attaches over the existing lock cylinder, to allow for a motorized locking and unlocking mechanism.

When an entry is authenticated, Yale Linus’ motor turns your door’s locking mechanism knob to unlock the door. Likewise, when you leave your home and shut the door behind you, Yale Linus automatically locks said door, so there’s no need to fumble about with your set of keys.

The smart lock can let you know if you’ve left the door ajar, which a constant worry for most people. Now, There’s no need to double back to the front door to check its locked. The app will remind you to shut the door if you haven’t already done so. It will also let you know of the lock status, which is a Godsend to those of us who are slightly ‘OCD’ about ensuring that we’ve locked the door.

Credit: Yale

Instead of carrying a bulky set of keys, your smartphone is the key. It communicates with the Yale Linus through its dedicated app. The Yale Connect WiFi bridge allows the app to unlock doors from anywhere in the world. This offers a good level of convenience because it negates the need for one to physically walk to the door to unlock it.

The WiFi bridge comes with each new purchase of the Yale Linus. It acts as a hub for the smart lock, relaying instructions that it receives from users who use the smartphone app. The advantage of this particular setup is the omission of retrofitting work in the installation procedures. The Yale Linus sits ‘piggyback’ on the existing installation.

Since it’s integrated with the various Voice Assistant apps, it’s even easier than ever to operate and unlock your front door. That said, Yale Linus doesn’t work with all door locks. Instead, there’s a compatibility list, so you’ll need to be mindful of this if you ever choose to buy one.