Tab Groups Could Unclutter Your Work

May 16, 2020 Off By Naveen Victor

Source: Google

In the name of efficiency, Google has been busy tweaking its Chrome browser. It’s common practice to open separate tabs for individual tasks such as checking email, shopping on e-merchant sites or conducting research. Over the course of several hours, we become overwhelmed with the number of tabs that we’ve created, which could be 15-25 of them.

This could pose a problem for those who are juggling to complete multiple tasks at one time. Fortunately, Google may have a solution. In the upcoming version of Google Chrome, scheduled to be released next week, the function will allow users to group similar tabs together. It’s called Tab Groups, and you can also give each group a custom name and assign a colour.

Source; Google

Google says that this function can help keep your internet browsing/work organised in a more meaningful way. Work related tabs, can be labeled as such, or named according to their priority, such as ASAP, later, “need to follow up” or “completed”. In addition to this, users can assign tab groups with emojis in place of actual words.

Tab Groups will be available on Chrome desktop browsers for Chrome OS, Windows, Mac and Linux. And if you can wait for the official roll out, there’s the Google Chrome Beta, bear in mind that it may not offer the same level of stability and reliability as the official release.