WhatsApp Offers New Features For Leaving Groups & Ghosting Contacts

August 10, 2022 Off By Naveen Victor

WhatsApp has been doing some good work in the past couple of years. Several of its latest features prioritize user privacy, which includes View Once. Now, the company is introducing new additions, which will probably be welcomed with open arms by users who don’t want a megaphone announcing their every action.

Leaving Groups Silently
A Godsend for introverts, WhatsApp will allow you to leave a group chat without everyone in said group knowing about it. Instead, only the admins of the group will be notified. This feature will be rolling out to users by the end of this month.

Decide Who Can See Your “Online” Status
Instead of allowing everyone to know when you’re online, the new feature will let you select who can and can’t see when you’re online. It’s a pretty useful feature especially if you’re using a single phone for both work and personal communications. This feature will also be made available to users this month.

Screenshot Blocking For View Once Messages
The View Once feature lets you share photos and media with contacts once, then block them from accessing said content again. Now, WhatsApp is taking that a step further by enabling screenshot blocking for View Once messages. This is supposed to function as an added layer of protection for users.

There’s no definite release date for this feature, but the company says that it should be “out soon”. This is a step in the direct direction for WhatsApp as it continues to mend its past mistakes and over the general public a convenient way of conversing with others without comprising their privacy.