6 Ways Google Assistant Can Help Get Things Done

August 19, 2020 Off By Naveen Victor

Google’s helpful voice assistant is getting progressively better with each passing year. Not only can it understand various languages, but is able to discern the context of various sentences. This year alone, the Search giant has added several helpful features including the ability to provide users with informative news on sports and current events.

But the problem with these incremental upgrades is the fact that most people don’t really know what’s new and how they may be able to use it. Google has taken notice of this, and that is why it has provided 6 tips on how to use the new and improved Google Assistant:

Send Audio Messages
If you hands are tied, literally or figuratively, picking up your phone to send a message may not be convenient. As such, just say, “Hey Google, send an audio message to saying I’m on the way.” This feature is available for English-speaking countries around the world as as well as Portuguese in Brazil.

Get Help Reading Web Articles
Google can read information on your screen. Just say, “Hey Google, read this page.” The Assistant will do as you ask, allowing you to focus on other tasks.

Find Helpful Information
The Google Assistant can help you search for helpful information. If you are looking for a restaurant that offers home deliveries, just say, “Hey Google, show me restaurants with takeout.” The information will be tabulated into a list that you can then access.

Snap A Selfie
This is more of a ‘flex’ than a useful feature. When wanting to take a selfie with friends, just say, “Hey Google, take a selfie.” The Assistant will open your camera app and take the shot.

Call or Text A friend
This feature isn’t new. But Google is now able to understand a plethora of accents, no matter how strange they may sound. Just say, “Hey Google, call ,” or “Hey Google, send a text to .” The Google Assistant will happily comply, sometimes to the wrong thing.

Share Your Favorite Content
Now, you can share what’s on your screen without having to meander past several sharing menus and app selections. Just say, “Hey Google, share what’s on my screen to .” The content that is presently on your screen will then be shared with said contact, using your chosen messaging app.