Garmin Wireless Reverse Camera, Best Solution For Campers

September 7, 2020 Off By Naveen Victor

Most modern cars are equipped with reverse cameras, which is considered ‘standard issue’ at this point. But drivers with older vehicles or those that are tasked with towing trailers, campers or caravans, lack the ability to see what’s behind them. Many choose not to install a reverse camera due to the tedium involved with retro-fitting them to individual units.

Well, if you’ve bought the Garmin BC40, that won’t be a problem. Sold in Austria or € 149.99, it’s a wireless reversing camera that comes with an adjustable license plate holder. It runs off of 2x AA lithium batteries that need replacing once every 3 months. The device is compatible with Garmin DriveSmart 51/55/61/65, DriveAssist 51, DriveLuxe 51, Camper 770/780 and Dezl LGV700.

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This camera connects wirelessly (WLAN) to the vehicle’s main Garmin navigation unit. It offers a 150 degree angle, field of view and up to 720p image resolution. The BC40 switches on when it pairs to said unit and deactivates once the driver shifts into a forward gear. If need be, it can be activated via voice command or by pressing a button on the main Garmin unit.

The BC40 has an image transmission range of up to 13 meters. Housed within a water proof casing with IPX 7 certification, it should hold up well against punishing weather conditions. And when the batteries run low on power, it will automatically indicate this. This is a simple and effective solution for people who constantly tow multiple trailers or caravans.

The level of flexibility offered by the BC40, enable it to be screwed into place in a matter of minutes and connect instantly to your Garmin navigation unit. Check with your local Garmin rep for the availability of this unit or something similar in your region.