3 Ways To Share Your Music And Podcasts

May 17, 2021 Off By Rowena Cletus

Social media has become more widely used in the past year to bring people together and create deeper connections among family, friends, and fans. People are turning to Spotify’s features such as Group Session and collaborating Playlist to share what they’re listening to.

Now that Spotify has broadened its social media tools, you can share your favorite tracks or podcasts with your friends using the platform. Both iOS and Android offer this feature so that you can share with your friends and family.

1. Share The New Podcast Timestamp
Previously, you had to share the entire episode before sharing your favorite parts. Now that the podcast app has been updated, it’s possible to share podcast episodes so that you and your friends can listen to the part you think others would enjoy.

Here’s how to share the timestamp;
When listening to an episode, click on the “Share” button, select where to share your content at the current playtime, then tap the shared link. Those on the receiving end can jump right in and start listening.

2. Sharing On Canvas
A Spotify feature called Canvas converts static songs into video-art galleries. These give music fans and lovers a whole new listening experience. Now you can share your favorite tracks and albums through Instagram Stories and Snapchat.

3. Create and Preview Layout
A new sharing menu for mobile devices with a more intuitive layout, the ability to preview what you are sharing, and an improved destination list. Before sharing to social media platforms such as Instagram stories or Snapchat, you can preview the layout using Canvas.

Additionally, the messages and social media you’re eligible for will be dynamically populated based on the apps you have installed, laid out in a straightforward grid that makes it easy to navigate.