Google Search For Mobile, Due For Visual Refresh

January 24, 2021 Off By Naveen Victor

Google has decided to tweak the way its mobile Search results are displayed. The objective here is to promote a cleaner and clutter-free way of browsing online. The changes are said to be subtle at best, to help simplify the experience and deliver “a breath of fresh air!”. It’s a challenging task but one the company hopes to execute well.

The information that you’re looking for will be at the forefront of the redesign. One of the ways of accomplishing this is by making text easier to read. Once the new version rolls out, the text will be bolder and larger. Google’s own font will be used here, which you can already see on Android devices and Gmail.

Credit: Google

Aside from this, there will be an “edge-to-edge” design that minimizes the use of shadows, allowing the Search results to take precedence over everything else. In a way, Google wants to remove the clutter and provide you with a little more breathing room. This sounds a little strange because how basic can it actually get?

Images and other content will be centered around a clear background with colors being intentionally used to guide your eyes the important information. Google’s aim here, is to direct you to what’s important rather than allow you to get distracted by the trivial stuff.

Credit: Google

Soon, there will be a more rounded Google logo. The same theme will be carried over into other elements of the design, which includes rounded icons and imagery. This is evident across Google’s current product range that includes the Android operating system. Google says that the redesign should be rolled out in the coming days.