Pixel 4’s clever use of AI is impressive

October 23, 2019 Off By Rowena Cletus

Google’s new flagship smartphone, the Pixel 4, has some amazing features including the ability to take high quality pictures in low light conditions as well as multitask by using the Google Assistant. This is all possible due to the search giant’s intelligent AI technology.

It’s capable of accomplishing difficult tasks including translating foreign text or identifying a song’s artist, in real time. The Pixel 4’s impressive repertoire of abilities edge it closer to becoming the super-phone we want it to be.

By pointing the Pixel 4 camera at a phone number, a URL or an email address, the Google Lens app will be able to identify the information and provide relevant suggestions. This includes, calling the number, visiting the URL or add the email address to your list of contacts.

Travelling to a foreign country but can’t speak the language? No problem, just save it with Google Lens, then once you are there, open the camera and point to the text. It will be translated almost instantly and then you will be offered several suggestions based on the translation.

For now, this feature only works on English, Spanish, German, Hindi and Japanese text, but there will be more to come, soon. Google Lens’ abilities extend far beyond text translation. It can even copy text or even scan documents, then suggest several actions.

The Pixel 4’s recording ability bests that of it’s human counterpart. Say you are part of a brainstorming session, and every member of the team is voicing valid points but you are unable to capture them all. Well, that means that you are only human, but thankfully, the Pixel 4 has you covered.

It can record and transcribe what’s being said, simultaneously, which is a godsend to diligant note takers. Adding to its impressive list of attributes is the Pixel 4’s ability to transcribe speeches and recognize sounds like applause, music or whistling, cutting down on the transcription clutter.

For now, the transcription function is only available in English but Google plans on adding more languages in the near future. Recordings that are captured by the Pixel 4, stay on the phone, which should be music to the ears of those who value privacy.

The Pixel 4 can also identify songs playing in the background, simplifying the task of hunting down the tune you want. The phone also keeps a list of your favorite songs in it’s history section for easier access. And to listen to one of them, just tap it and the song will play on Spotify, YouTube or other relevant platforms.

Google has done a fine job with its new phone. It may not be as powerful as a few other flagship devices, but what it lacks in raw performance it makes up for in AI abilities.